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LA Xena de 2024 ?Lun 29 Avr - 22:52Aiyana lpl Vidéo de Lucy & Reneé à la Xena Convention 2003Dim 28 Avr - 13:37Tony1x01 - Le Retour de Xena (Sins of the Past)Mer 10 Avr - 14:42XenaEtGabrielle_Joyeux Anniversaire Lucy !Dim 31 Mar - 13:19TonyEt si Gabrielle avait eu son Spin-off ?Mar 5 Mar - 0:37Aiyana lpl
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Tavernier de Thessalie
Tavernier de Thessalie
Masculin Verseau Dragon
Age : 48
Messages : 10

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Jeu 1 Mar - 16:35
Si vous avez des idées concernant la convention, n'hésitez pas à nous en faire part. Wink / If you have any ideas for the convention, don't hesitate to tell us about it. Wink


Having such a great actor as Ted Raimi it's important to properly use his talent. Maybe he could do a read on a virtual season episode? Or sing Joxer The Mighty Song together with fans? Really it's time to put on your thinking caps...

The one thing I would like to be avoided at all costs is too short Q and A sections. I remember how odd it was to see Renee O'Connor being intterrupted by the moderators at Paris convention after a couple questions (i'm talking about her first q and a panel). "we don't have time for more questions" the moderators said. It was like "whaaaat? ". Even O'Connor was...well...surprised.

She had more time, fans had more time, but the orginisers hadn't because ....they had very intense programme... So Renee left the stage, and some girl took her place, reading a loooong essay about musical aspects.... in French. That was one od the oddest things I have ever seen at any convention....
Princesse Guerrière
Princesse Guerrière
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Sam 3 Mar - 17:01
The one thing I would like to be avoided at all costs is too short Q and A sections. I remember how odd it was to see Renee O'Connor being intterrupted by the moderators at Paris convention after a couple questions (i'm talking about her first q and a panel). "we don't have time for more questions" the moderators said. It was like "whaaaat? ". Even O'Connor was...well...surprised.

She had more time, fans had more time, but the orginisers hadn't because ....they had very intense programme... So Renee left the stage, and some girl took her place, reading a loooong essay about musical aspects.... in French. That was one od the oddest things I have ever seen at any convention....

Hi Arek !

Don't worry, the Q&A sessions will last at least one hour and all the speeches will be translated into English Smile
Tavernier de Thessalie
Tavernier de Thessalie
Masculin Verseau Dragon
Age : 48
Messages : 10

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Sam 3 Mar - 22:56
That is good to hear!


Some ideas to consider...

1. A contest with the guests as jury...for instance karaoke contest, or costume contest,
2. A paper test "How good do you know Joxer"? For ALL people in the room?
3. Contest for the short limerick on Joxer (like "write the Next beret to the Song "Joxer The Mighty"
4. The Guinness world record of the amount of people singing Joxer the Mighty Song ;-) contact Guinness rep...there were more silly records...
5. Very serious panel on...Joxer and Gabby subtext :-) etc, etc

In short...can this convention be full of fun, imagination, and, you know, soemthing fresh and extraordinary, not in the mold of all those by the boom cons..
Paysan de Poteidaia
Paysan de Poteidaia
Féminin Sagittaire Buffle
Age : 62
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Dim 4 Mar - 16:25
euh oui ca serait bien de traduire scratch
merci lol
Tavernier de Thessalie
Tavernier de Thessalie
Masculin Verseau Dragon
Age : 48
Messages : 10

Idées / Ideas Empty How to make Xenite Con the best Xena convention ever!!!

Lun 12 Mar - 13:18
How to make Xenite Con, the best Xena convention ever...

Is it possible? Better than the Official Conventons in the US?
Yes it is...it's all depending on "the brainpower" of organisers and participants.

Here are some ideas for organisers...

1. Xenite Convention is the biggest European Xena Convention! Stress it out, check out from what countries are the attendees. 
For instance I'll be going to the Con with my brother and we are from Poland.
How cool is to point out that this convention will be the meeting of fans from the various corners of Europe! See this message board's members. They are from various countries.

2. Spread the word about the Xenite Con to other European countries. How to do it? Post the info on IMDB message boards for Ted, Hudson, Xena, Legend of the Seeker, Lucy, Renee etc.

3. Learn about the (possible) attendes and use this knowledge. Advertise Xenite Con as the convention for all ages. Encourage older people to come to this convention. Many Xena fans are people in their 30. or 40. , 50. Because the show is from 90. The concept of the programme should be  fitting for teenagers as well as adults...

4. Think about some cool contests...the obvious costume contest is a must but you have to lure the people by announcing it prior and have superb prizes. Btw have you tried to contact some French cosplays groups...they can attend just by the cosplay aspect of it...

5. Advertise it as a convention friendly for everyone! Say that it is ready for   people on wheelchairs etc. For instance I had a car accident some time ago and now walk only with a walking stick. Is this convention for me or am I to be humiliated by thousand stairs? Think about stuff like that.

The bottom line is...there are many conventions announced around, and many of them never come into being. Just the other week the Spanish  convetion for Battlestar Galactica with excellent guests was cancelled because it sold..3 tickets! To be successful, you have to be better than other organisers, more inventive and clever. Don't follow other footsteps, find your own path...
Princesse Guerrière
Princesse Guerrière
Féminin Gémeaux Rat
Age : 27
Messages : 6087
Localisation : Occupée à regarder des photos de Sasha Alexander sur mon PC
Subber/Shipper : Subber pour la vie <3

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Lun 12 Mar - 19:21
Thanks for the advices Wink Idées / Ideas 360134
Warrior Prince
Warrior Prince
Masculin Verseau Cochon
Age : 28
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Lun 12 Mar - 20:17
I apologize if I do some faults but I want to answer you.
When you say :
"3. Learn about the (possible) attendes and use this knowledge. Advertise Xenite Con as the convention for all ages. Encourage older people to come to this convention. Many Xena fans are people in their 30. or 40. , 50. Because the show is from 90. The concept of the programme should be fitting for teenagers as well as adults..."

I hope you know that the convention is for everyone, not just for young or old people. The convention is created by fans, for fans. There's no need to be afraid, when you are a Xenit, whatever your age, you'll always stay a Xenit! I can assure you that the program will be great for the younger and for the older.

When you say : "4. Think about some cool contests...the obvious costume contest is a must but you have to lure the people by announcing it prior and have superb prizes. Btw have you tried to contact some French cosplays groups...they can attend just by the cosplay aspect of it..."

I think this is a good idea for the cosplay but you know, there'll be cosplays of Xena and Gabrielle, like always and it'll be some Xenits who could take the role of our Warrior Princess and our Gabrielle!

When you say : "The bottom line is...there are many conventions announced around, and many of them never come into being. Just the other week the Spanish convetion for Battlestar Galactica with excellent guests was cancelled because it sold..3 tickets! To be successful, you have to be better than other organisers, more inventive and clever. Don't follow other footsteps, find your own path..."

Xena Immortal is the most famous fanclub I've ever known and there are lots of people who have already taken their tickets for the convention because there is just less than 200 tickets for now.

I think Xena-Immortal knows what they are doing, because without this, they wouldn't create a forum, a fanclub, a shop, and a convention.

But like Cestmoi said, thanks for the advices, this is nice to know people who care about something (and here The Xenit Con' )


Idées / Ideas 5943732912
"Life is eternal. It has no beginning and no end.
The loving friends we meet on our journey return to us, time after time.
We never die, because we were never really born." - Gabrielle.

Tavernier de Thessalie
Tavernier de Thessalie
Masculin Verseau Dragon
Age : 48
Messages : 10

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Lun 12 Mar - 20:34
Very interesting thoughts, Tony,.
I didn't post to preach, because I want to feed my ego, but to give some advices and my point of view... I've attended so many conventions all those years that I'm pretty sure I know what am I talking about ;-)

Btw - do you know how many tickets were sold so far? I'm afraid that there are 200 tickets in total, not "only 200 tickets left"...

Have you been to the 2010 Paris convention with Renee? There were less than 200 persons....

Warrior Prince
Warrior Prince
Masculin Verseau Cochon
Age : 28
Messages : 3221
Localisation : Aube
Subber/Shipper : Subber

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Lun 12 Mar - 21:50
I understand perfectly what you're saying Arek, believe me!

They don't say to me how many tickets they've sold and I don't have to know that ! Smile

Your point of view is very interesting! I still think we can trust on X-I, and no I didn't go to the Musical because I was too young... I know there were less than 200 persons but it wasn't an entire Xena Convention.

Now, we have to be proud of X-I and believe that we can have our dream come true.

But I say it again, your post was interesting! Don't see me as an enemy Wink

Did you know that Hudson and Ted are going to be there, at the convention? If it wasn't organized like an official convention, they wouldn't accept to be a part of the adventure.


Idées / Ideas 5943732912
"Life is eternal. It has no beginning and no end.
The loving friends we meet on our journey return to us, time after time.
We never die, because we were never really born." - Gabrielle.

Princesse Guerrière
Princesse Guerrière
Féminin Gémeaux Rat
Age : 27
Messages : 6087
Localisation : Occupée à regarder des photos de Sasha Alexander sur mon PC
Subber/Shipper : Subber pour la vie <3

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Mar 13 Mar - 19:25
Remarques intéressantes par ici Twisted Evil Grin

C'est vrai que moi aussi je me demandes combien ils pont vendu du tickets ( juste pour savoir car je suis curieuse ) mais vraiment, qu'il y ait 50, 100, 200, ... Personnes, je m'en fout ( désolée pour le terme ) Rolling Eyes

L’important, c'est de s'amuser avec des personnes qui partagent les mêmes centres d'intérêt ( même des différents Grin ) ( mais aussi de voir les acteurs ... ! bounce )
Tavernier de Thessalie
Tavernier de Thessalie
Masculin Verseau Dragon
Age : 48
Messages : 10

Idées / Ideas Empty Any new ideas?

Dim 10 Juin - 0:18
So what's up with the Xenite Con? Any news? Seems it's quiet on this forum?

Have the organisers thought about things like...

Live Commentary from Hudson and Ted. Basically it's like you play an episode and the actors comment Live...
It's being done on some cons...

Of course you need a projector for that and the proper auditorium...

Actually it would be better to improve the whole idea and create Clip Show for Calisto and for Joxer and ask the actors to comment?

I really would like to see something fresh (regarding the Con's organisation)...
Princesse Guerrière
Princesse Guerrière
Féminin Scorpion Serpent
Age : 34
Messages : 3326
Localisation : Bordeaux
Subber/Shipper : Subber!

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Dim 10 Juin - 16:56
Hi Arek !

Yes, it's a good idea ! We will see if we could organize it but thanks for your proposition Smile

Si vous aussi vous avez d'autres idées pour la convention, n'hésitez surtout pas à nous en faire part Smile
Féminin Poissons Rat
Age : 52
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Lun 11 Juin - 11:17
Juste une idée qui vient de me traverser l'esprit en voyant l'engouement des Xénites pour le topic "Qu'est-ce que vous écoutez ?"

Quelque chose qui permettrait de rassembler et de faire participer tous les Xénites... pas besoin de compétences particulières, mais juste de la bonne humeur !
Ce ne serait pas à proprement parlé sur XENA et GABRIELLE mais cela permettrait de bien rigoler et partager autre chose ENSEMBLE.

.... UN KARAOKE géant. En duo, en groupe, peu importe !

Voilou, qu'en dites-vous ? Idées / Ideas 177750
Reine des Amazones
Reine des Amazones
Féminin Capricorne Coq
Age : 30
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Lun 11 Juin - 15:12
Fanix49 a écrit:Juste une idée qui vient de me traverser l'esprit en voyant l'engouement des Xénites pour le topic "Qu'est-ce que vous écoutez ?"

Quelque chose qui permettrait de rassembler et de faire participer tous les Xénites... pas besoin de compétences particulières, mais juste de la bonne humeur !
Ce ne serait pas à proprement parlé sur XENA et GABRIELLE mais cela permettrait de bien rigoler et partager autre chose ENSEMBLE.

.... UN KARAOKE géant. En duo, en groupe, peu importe !

Voilou, qu'en dites-vous ? Idées / Ideas 177750

Moi je dis Ouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
C'est une super idée!!!!! Fous rires garantis si ça s'organise lol!
Féminin Poissons Rat
Age : 52
Messages : 902
Localisation : Tout près...
Subber/Shipper : Subber et même DHSGS !!

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Lun 11 Juin - 17:06
Moi je dis Ouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
C'est une super idée!!!!! Fous rires garantis si ça s'organise

Merciii "ma" biche !! Wink
Cuisse gauche de Xena
Cuisse gauche de Xena
Féminin Taureau Buffle
Age : 39
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Lun 11 Juin - 19:57
Au risque de demander quelque chose d'évident : Vous proposez un karaoke en rapport avec la série j'imagine ? Du style les chansons des deux épisodes musicaux en particulier et certaines autres emblématiques (telle Joxer The Mighty) ? Et ce comme une animation pendant la conv' ?

Roi des Voleurs
Roi des Voleurs
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Lun 11 Juin - 20:48
Ce ne serait pas à proprement parlé sur XENA et GABRIELLE mais cela permettrait de bien rigoler et partager autre chose ENSEMBLE.

Je pense que la réponse à ta question se trouve dans cette phrase Wink

Idée sympa ,même si je m'abstiendrai de chanter dans l'intérêt et la survie de tous les Xenites lol!
Féminin Poissons Rat
Age : 52
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Lun 11 Juin - 21:40
Et ce comme une animation pendant la conv' ?
Je pensais plutôt à la soirée, hors activité journée.
Quant au Karaoké plusieurs possibilités sont envisageables...

Les mots important à retenir sont : faire "ENSEMBLE" Wink
Je pense que la réponse à ta question se trouve dans cette phrase
Wink J T.
Ce ne serait pas à proprement parlé sur XENA et GABRIELLE mais cela permettrait de bien rigoler et partager autre chose ENSEMBLE

Je propose juste... ensuite l'Administrateur et les Modos disposent. Smile
Cuisse gauche de Xena
Cuisse gauche de Xena
Féminin Taureau Buffle
Age : 39
Messages : 835
Localisation : BZH
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Mar 12 Juin - 16:39
Avant que je ne me lance plus loin dans le projet, dans l'idée de réaliser des vidéos karaoke des principales chansons de la série, les préfériez-vous en version originale ou en version française ?

(Les deux sont envisageables, mais impliqueront une double dose de travail.)

(Par défaut je travaille pour la VOstA, souhaiteriez-vous cependant une traduction française des paroles, qui constitueraient une vraie traduction et non une transcription de l'adaptation des chansons dans leurs versions françaises.)
Féminin Poissons Rat
Age : 52
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Subber/Shipper : Subber et même DHSGS !!

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Mar 12 Juin - 17:02
Merci d'avance Chibi pour ton aide !

Perso je préfèrerai en français, aux autres de donner leur avis... Very Happy

Et une vraie traduction serait en effet génial !! Idées / Ideas 269792
Paysan de Poteidaia
Paysan de Poteidaia
Féminin Sagittaire Buffle
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Mer 13 Juin - 0:46
moi aussi cela serait bien en francais
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